Arduino Tips & Tricks

With the use of these tips and tricks you will be able to use the Arduino development board effectively in your coding. Use logical programming to get the most out of it…!

Measurement of TDS of Water Sample using Arduino UNO

Measurement of TDS of Water Sample using Arduino UNO – details of complete project

We know that the larger is the salinity of water the more is its electrical conductivity. So by using standard techniques of measuring the electrical conductivity (Ec) we can use this value to find out the TDS by using following empirical equation.
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How to design Cathode Ray Oscilloscope using Arduino? Code of just 9 lines!

How to design Cathode Ray Oscilloscope using Arduino? Code of just 9 lines!

A cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO), also known as an oscilloscope or scope, is a type of electronic test instrument used to visualize and analyze electrical signals in the time domain. It is an essential tool for engineers, scientists, and technicians working with electronics, telecommunications, and various fields of science and engineering.
Read MoreHow to design Cathode Ray Oscilloscope using Arduino? Code of just 9 lines!