Yash Vidyasagar

Yash Vidyasagar

Professor in Department of CS, Fergusson College, Pune. Researcher in Embedded Systems, Expert in Online/Offline Education, Creator of lots of projects for community solutions... ➤➤
Measurement of TDS of Water Sample using Arduino UNO

Measurement of TDS of Water Sample using Arduino UNO – details of complete project

We know that the larger is the salinity of water the more is its electrical conductivity. So by using standard techniques of measuring the electrical conductivity (Ec) we can use this value to find out the TDS by using following empirical equation.

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diamond cubic structure of si atom

Crystal Structure & Behavior of semiconductor

At temperatures above absolute zero, some electrons are excited out over the band gap into the conduction band. When the electron in pure silicon crosses the gap, it creates a vacancy, known as a hole, in the regular silicon lattice. A hole means actually nothing. But since it can accept an electron to get occupied into it, it is assumed to have a positive charge.

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graph of ac voltage

What is Peak, R.M.S. & Average Value of ac voltage and current

The average value of a waveform, which swings symmetrically above and below zero, will be obviously zero, when measured over a long period of time. Hence, average values of currents and voltages are invariably taken over one complete half-cycle (either positive or negative) rather than over one complete full-cycle (which would result in an average value of zero).

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B13: Automatic Street Light Control Circuit

How NPN transistor works? Tutorials of forward & reverse biasing of an NPN transistor

Transistor is a semiconductor device having three layers, three terminals and two junctions. Since we have only two types of semiconductors i.e. the p-type and n-type, there are two types of transistors: they are NPN transistor and PNP transistor.

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