Basics of Electricity

Before starting with higher study of electricity and electronics we suggest you to read these articles on basics of electricity. They will help you understand the concepts more easily.

graph of ac voltage

What is Peak, R.M.S. & Average Value of ac voltage and current

The average value of a waveform, which swings symmetrically above and below zero, will be obviously zero, when measured over a long period of time. Hence, average values of currents and voltages are invariably taken over one complete half-cycle (either positive or negative) rather than over one complete full-cycle (which would result in an average value of zero).
Read MoreWhat is Peak, R.M.S. & Average Value of ac voltage and current
graph of ac voltage

Concept of AC voltage – Learn in simple language

This entry is part 11 of 12 in the series Basics of Electricity

In this article, don’t forget to read the reference notes. Power supply is the basic requirement of any working circuit or device. We know that the electronic circuit uses semiconductors and so the circuit requires only DC power supply for…

Read MoreConcept of AC voltage – Learn in simple language