Basics of Arduino Coding

Basics of Arduino Coding

This entry is part 1 of 10 in the series Arduino Tips & Tricks

You don’t require to know anything about coding before reading this article.

We are starting it from scratch…!

Arduino coding is very simple to understand and use in embedded system programming. We will discuss basic details about Arduino coding in this article so that you will be quite confident to start with Arduino coding and design your own circuits and ideas and projects using Arduino.

Here we assume that you have already installed Arduino IDE i.e. Arduino compiler software on your Windows PC. If you have not installed it yet, visit this direct downloading link of the software.

When downloading is complete, search the “” file in download folder of your PC, unzip the file by double clicking on it and then double click on “arduino-1.8.19.exe” file inside the zipped folder to start the installation of the software.

Now when you are ready, start reading the following topics. Remember it’s a series of posts to learn complete coding techniques about Arduino.

So when you complete reading the 1st post, continue with the 2nd post and 3rd post and so on.

Take your own time to understand each topic completely and then go to the next post in this series.

Coding Structure

The coding structure in Arduino programming is very simple. You must have at least two basic or default functions in every Arduino code, as shown below.

 void setup()
 void loop()

Control Structure

When you write a particular program in Arduino IDE to control some hardware (firmware) circuit, then you will need some controlling commands with which you will be able to control the behavior of the hardware (firmware) like a robotic trolley to move it forward, backward, stop in front of an obstacle, then turn and so on.

There are different types of control structures used in Arduino, as follows –

The ‘if-else’ condition

The ‘if-else’ conditions are used to perform either this or that task i.e. when you want to perform a task when a particular condition is true. If that condition is not true i.e. false, then the control is passed on to ‘else’ condition.

 if(int i=5)
  // write your commands below, 
  // which you want to execute when i=5
  // write another commands below,
  // which you want to execute when i not equal to 5

The ‘case-switch’ statements

In Arduino programming, the ‘switch-case’ statement is used to select one of many code blocks to be executed. It is commonly used when you have a variable with multiple possible values, and you want to execute different code based on the value of that variable.

You can of course use ‘case-switch’ statements within conditionals statements also.

   // code to be executed if variable equals value1
   case value1:
   // code to be executed if variable equals value2
   case value2:
   // ......... add more cases as required
   // code to be executed if variable doesn't match any case

Example of ‘switch-case’

Here is an example code to control an LED on/off (connected at pin-13 of Arduino UNO) if the IR sensor output i.e. variable ‘irs’ (connected to pin-7) is either 0 or 1 i.e. LOW or HIGH.

The ‘IRStatus’ variable is used to record either 0 or 1 status of IR Sensor output.

 int LED=13;
 int irs=7;
 int IRStatus;
 void setup()
 void loop()
   IRStatus = digitalRead(irs);
     case 0: // in case 0, the LED is OFF
     case 1: // in case 1, the LED is ON

The ‘for’ loop

In Arduino programming, the ‘for’ loop is used to execute a block of code repeatedly for a specified number of iterations i.e. repetitions. The general syntax i.e. structure of a ‘for’ loop in Arduino is as follows:

 for(initialization; condition; increment)
  1. Initialization: This is where you initialize a loop control variable or set the initial conditions. It is typically a variable that will be used to control the loop.
  2. Condition: This is a Boolean expression that is checked before each iteration. If the condition evaluates to true, the loop continues; otherwise, it exits.
  3. Increment: This is an expression that is evaluated after each iteration of the loop. It is used to update the loop control variable.

Example of ‘for’ loop

Suppose we want to blink an LED (connected at pin-13) in Arduino UNO in two different styles. First we have blink the LED at a rate of 1sec, 5 times and then blink it at a rate of 2 sec, 4 times. The example code is given below –

 int LED=13;
 int i=0;
 void setup()
 void loop()
   // LED will blink 5 times for 1 sec each

   // LED will blink 4 times for 2 sec each

The ‘while’ loop

The ‘while’ loop is used to execute particular commands when a condition is true. The general syntax of ‘while’ loop is as follows –


Example of ‘while’ loop

Suppose we have to produce alarm when obstacle is detected in front of IR sensor. To construct the circuit for this code, we connect buzzer at pin-11 and output of IR sensor at pin-7.

The example code is given below –

 int IRSensor=7;
 int buzzer=11;
 void setup()
 void loop()

Example of ‘do-while’ loop

The structure of the ‘do-while’ loop is quite similar to the ‘while’ loop. Let us see the code of ‘do-while’ loop for the above example of ‘while’ loop –

  int IRSensor=7;
  int buzzer=11;
  void setup() 
  void loop() 

The ‘continue’ statement

In Arduino programming, the ‘continue’ statement is used to skip the rest of the code inside a loop and proceed to the next iteration. This statement is commonly used with loops like ‘while’, ‘for’ and ‘do-while’. The continue statement allows you to skip specific iterations based on a certain condition.

In this example, we will print only ‘odd’ numbers on serial monitor and skip the even numbers –

 int i=1;
 void setup() 
 void loop() 
   int i=1;

   while (i<=10) 
     if (i%2==0) 
       // Skip even numbers using continue

     // Print odd numbers

     // Increment the loop variable
   // write any other code outsite 'do-while' loop

The ‘return’ statement

In Arduino programming, the ‘return’ statement is used to exit a function and optionally pass a value back to the calling code. Functions in Arduino, like in many programming languages, can be defined to return a value by specifying a data type in the function signature.

 // Function declaration
 int add(int a,int b);

 void setup() 
    // Your setup code here
    // Function call
    int result=add(5,3);

    // Display the result using Serial Monitor
    Serial.println("Result: " + String(result));

 void loop()
    // Your loop code here

  // User defined function
  int add(int a,int b) 
    // Calculate the sum
    int sum=a+b;

    // Return the result
    return sum;

The ‘goto’ statement

The use of ‘goto’ is generally discouraged in modern programming due to its potential for creating spaghetti code and making the program difficult to understand and maintain. It’s often considered a bad practice because it can lead to unstructured and hard-to-follow code.
However, if you specifically want to convert the given code using ‘goto’, here’s an example:

 int IRSensor=7;
 int buzzer=11;

 void setup() 
    pinMode(IRSensor, INPUT);
    pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);

 void loop() 

      digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);

      // Jump back to the beginning of the loop using goto
      goto startLoop;
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Dr. Dattaraj Vidyasagar
Dr. Dattaraj Vidyasagar

M.S. Electronics & Telecomm. (Cleveland Institute of Electronics, Ohio), Associate Member (IETE, Kolkata), Panelist on Dr. Homi Bhabha Foundation, Google certified educator (Level-1), Mentor of Change (MoC-1619) Niti Ayog, Government of India, International Robotics Trainer, Veteran of Applied Electronics since 35+ years.

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