A Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) is also known as the IGFET i.e. insulated gate FET. The schematic constructional diagrams of both n-channel and p-channel MOSFETs are given below.
Read MoreConstruction of MOSFETThe Junction Field Effect Transistor consists of one long n-channel with two p-layers inserted at the sides. The n-channel forms the conducting path for the charges.
Read MoreJunction Field Effect Transistor (JFET)Bipolar and unipolar transistors can be categorized according to their basic functionality. In bipolar transistor the electric current flows due to BOTH electrons and holes through it. However, in unipolar transistor the current flows EITHER due to electrons OR holes through it.
Read MoreIntroduction to Bipolar & Unipolar Transistors