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Frequently Asked Questions FAQ
Please go through the standard questions that are regularly asked to us on Google search or through contact form. If you still have any queries, please contact us.
We offer short term courses in Practical Electronics, Robotics, C/C++, Python, Java, Embedded Programming in Arduino, 8051, ATMega, NODEMCU, Raspberry Pi & IoT, MATLAB, Web Designing with SEO…!
Very soon we are launching new short term courses on data science and artificial intelligence.
Get the details of courses with fees and syllabus.
The student or teacher willing to join our courses, must have elementary experience of using computer and Android phone. He/she must have a PC/Laptop on which you have to install course related software which will be given free of charge from Vidyasagar Academy.
You will get certificate of the course, after evaluation of your learning outcome. Our expert faculties will note down your performance throughout the course or internship program. After completing the course or internship, you will have to solve the online test related to the content taught to you and you actually worked on it. If you score more than 60% marks in the examination, then your will get the certificate from Vidyasagar Academy & MSME together.
Don’t worry! Its not that difficult…! After all its our responsibility to teach you and make you a skillful student…!
We evaluate the student’s performance during the course particularly while conducting practical experimentation. We assign a task to the student, which he/she must complete within a prescribed period of time. Depending on the completion level of the allotted task, the student is graded with A, B or C grade. This grading is monitored and included in his/her Learning Outcome sheet for final certification of the course.
Yes, of course! We provide date-wise activity of the student with allotted tasks during practical sessions in the gradebook.
Our expert faculties analyze the performance of the student, test his/her given practical task and then allot the grade either A, B or C.
If student gets B or C grade, then the same task is allotted again at different date to improve the performance.
Yes. Right now we offer paid online training programs of Arduino Robotics, 8051 MUC programming.
The student/teacher has to register for the program first. Then our supplier will send the course kit on your address and after that we will start prerecorded lectures for course content with theory and practical.
If the student has any difficulty, then we conduct live sessions also.
Vidyasagar Academy is the oldest technology academy in Vidarbh since last 35+ years. The faculty of our all types of courses has profound experience of teaching since last 40 years. The faculty has devised effective teaching methodologies in theory and practical teaching. Our methodologies were praised by EEWEB magazine of USA about 3 years back. Also our academy is registered under MSME to get authentic certificate of each course.
Last but not the least, we take only 3-5 students in every batch of our each course. Since there are lots of practical sessions we believe that if the number of students is less, during practical sessions, then personal monitoring becomes easy.