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This a lab tested code of Edge Avoiding Robot using 8051 Microcontroller. When there is depth below an IR sensor, its output is binary-1. When there is white surface below an IR sensor, its output is binary-0. This code is suitable only if the speed of the wheel motors is slow enough, otherwise the robot will fall from the table on the edge.
The following code is given as per the kit developed at Vidyasagar Academy. To purchase the kit, contact us. If you are the student of Vidyasagar Academy burn the code in the given kit.
Program of Edge avoiding robot
Date: 26.04.2017
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#include <reg51.h> // including header file
#include "delay.c" // including the customised delay file
#define motors P1 // PORT1 is assigned to "motors"
sbit LS=P3^7; // left IR sensor is connected to pin-7 of PORT3
sbit RS=P3^0; // right IR sensor is connected to pin-0 of PORT3
int main() // main function
{ // opening brace of main function
while(1) // infinite loop
{ // opening brace of while loop
if((LS==0)&(RS==0)) // both sensors are on white
motors=0x09; // forward
if((LS==1)&(RS==1)) // both sensors are out of table edge
motors=0x00; // stop
motors=0x06; // backward
motors=0x0A; // power right turn
if((LS==1)&(RS==0)) // only LS is out of the edge
motors=0x00; // stop
motors=0x06; // backward
motors=0x0A; // power right turn
if((LS==0)&(RS==1)) // only RS is out of the edge
motors=0x00; // stop
motors=0x06; // backward
motors=0x05; // power left turn
} // while closed
} // main function closed
Note: Download the file of delay.c mentioned in the above program, from following link and copy it in your project folder.
[download id=”2″]