Bifocal Fisheries HSC Most Likely Question Sets - Aquatic Weeds

Bifocal Fisheries (C1) HSC Board Most Likely Question Sets – Aquatic Weeds

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Fresh Water Fish Culture (FWFC)


Aquatic weeds are plants that grow in an area, often too densely, to the point where they make the area less useful or enjoyable. They can affect fish culture in a number of ways, including:

  1. Competition: Weeds can compete with fish for food and nutrients.
  2. Movement: Weeds can restrict fish movement and interfere with fishing operations.
  3. Light penetration: Floating weeds can prevent light penetration.
  4. Hunting: Weeds can provide ideal hunting grounds for predatory fish and insects.
  5. Fertilization: Aquatic weed composts can be used to fertilize fish ponds.

Fill in the Blanks

The most likely fill in the blanks question asked in HSC Board Examination. Students must recite all the following to get maximum marks in the examination.

  1. Oxygastor is a weed fish.
  2. Trematode is an endoparasite.
  3. pH of water is measured to determine productivity of the pond.
  4. Unwanted weed is controlled by CuSO4 solution.
  5. Tafdrin 20 is used as an insecticide.
  6. Nymphaea is a type of emergent weed.
  7. Volvox is a phytoplankton.
  8. Dropsy disease is caused by aeromonas species.
  9. Dropsy disease is caused by bacteria.
  10. Example of filamentous algae is pithophora.
  11. Kingfisher is a predatory bird.
  12. Water hyacinth (floating weed) is controlled by 2, 4-D.
  13. Permanent algal bloom is constituted by mostly Blue green algae.
  14. Diuron is used for control of filamentous algae.
  15. Lining of pond is essential to prevent loss of water.
  16. A cytofulvin is used for controlling tail & fin rot disease.
  17. White spot disease is caused by protozoa disease parasite.
  18. Whirligig beetles are gyrinus.
  19. Utricularia belongs to the zone of unrooted submerged weed.
  20. Hydroxide is one of the components of oil emulsion.
  21. Trapa natans is the emergent weed.
  22. Gill rot disease is caused by Branchiomyces sanguinis.
  23. BGA (Blue Green Algae) belongs to the zone of surface of water body.
  24. Slimsy skin (over secretion of mucous) is caused by costia mecatrix.
  25. Fin and tail rot disease is caused by bacteria.
  26. Floating weeds are shown by T.
  27. Emergent weeds are show by vertically inverted T i.e. ┴.
  28. Submerged weeds are shown by (a long dash).
  29. To control submerged vegetation mud ball method is more useful.
  30. Giant water bug is Belostoma Indica.
  31. Costiasis is one of the protozoa disease observed in fish.
  32. Algal bloom is due to overgrowth/proliferation of unicellular algae.
  33. Teepol-B-200 is used as an insecticide.
  34. Algal bloom is controlled by using CuSO4.
  35. Hypothalamic molitrix is known as silver carp.
  36. Ranatra is known as water stick insect.
  37. Oil emulsion is used to control predatory insects.
  38. Derris powder is used to kill predatory fishes.
  39. Notopterus chitala is a predatory fish.
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Published by Admin - Vidyasagar Academy, Trusted name in education.

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