- Workshop@Fergusson College, Pune
- Circuit Tiles – Innovative Teaching Methodology Workshop conducted at Noel School, Akola
- Robotics Workshop at Dhruv Academy, Sangamner
- Technothlon@COETA, Akola
- ATL LabView BootCamp at SOS Akola
- Project Construction & Guidance at RLT Akola
- Robotics Workshop at RLT College Akola
- ATL Lab Workshop Guide
- ATL Lab Faculty Training Workshop at Seth Bansidhar High School, Telhara
ATL Lab Workshop Guide is written by Prof. Dattaraj Vidyasagar, who is Mentor of Change (MoC-1619). If you have any difficulties regarding ATL Lab setup, students training, faculty training, etc. please join and post on our Vidyasagar Academy Forum. You will have to login to post in this forum.
Vidyasagar Academy is always committed to impart modern technology education for the students of ATL Lab and to the ATL Lab In-charge and connected faculties.
Being ATL Mentor of Change (MoC-1619), Prof. Dattaraj Vidyasagar will conduct the faculty training workshop at your institution. He will also help you to conduct competitions, interschool, intercollege, state level, national level events, etc.
For that we request you to please prepare your ATL Lab as per following instructions.
Download & Install Software
- To conduct training to ATL Lab students and ATL Lab in-charge and faculties, please download Arduino Integrated Development Environment software from this link.
- The unzip the downloaded file and install it on number of your computer dedicated to your ATL Lab.
- Please note that you must download this software on PC or Laptop, and not on mobile phone.
- To download other important utilities related to Arduino programming, visit this page.
Keep Arduino Kits Ready
For the smooth conduct of workshop please prepare following material ready as per the number of teachers attending the faculty training program. Please note that if some material is short in your lab, its ok! Be ready with available material.
Make the kits of this material per teacher i.e. if 10 teachers are going to attend the faculty training program, then 10 + 1 kits should be ready. The 10 kits will be distributed to 10 teachers and the 11th kit will be used by Vidyasagar sir for demonstration purpose only.
When his demonstrations will be over, the kit will be handed back to the ATL lab in-charge.

For any questions, please post your comment below, at the bottom of this page. We will reply to your comment as early as possible.
Thank you so much sir for this very useful guide.
We are arranging the necessary material in order to start your workshop at our institute.
We will conduct this workshop in the month of October this year as per our telephonic talk.
Thanks for the feedback. We will fix the dates of workshop, as per convenience. October is ok for me.