Registration Form Fill up the following form to register for a single course or a group of courses: Registration Form** Select course to join * 1. Arduino Alvik Robotics Course2. Practical Electronics (Level-1)3. Practical Electronics (Level-2)4. Arduino Robotics (Level-1)5. Arduino Robotics (Level-2)6. nodeMCU Robotics Course7. Raspberry Pi with IoT8. 8051 MUC Programming Course9. AVR MUC Programming Course10. C/C++ Programming Course11. Java Programming Course12. PHP Programming Course13. LaTeX Short Term Programming Course Name * First Last * Last Email * Cellphone Number * Qualification * How to join the course? * Offline Online Do you have computer/laptop? * Yes No Please note! To join any of our courses, you must have a computer/laptop so that you will be able to learn the software related topics of the course. If you can arrange a computer/laptop, then please proceed further, else please try later. We hope you will surely come back to join…! City * Country * Captcha Submit Δ Back to Home Page